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Ovarian cancer screening

Ovarian cancer screening is a way in which doctors look for early signs of ovarian cancer in women who have no symptoms of the disease. To screen for ovarian cancer, doctors can do a blood test called CA 125, an imaging test called an ultrasound, or both. These tests are not very accurate, but doctors sometimes recommend them for women who are at high risk of ovarian cancer. Experts do NOT recommend ovarian cancer screening for women who are not at high risk.

The goal of screening is to find cancer early, before it has a chance to grow, spread, or cause problems. Unfortunately, there is no good proof that screening for ovarian cancer actually helps women live longer.

Ovarian cancer screening — Screening can involve a blood test, an ultrasound, or both. The blood test used most often is called CA 125. Other tests are also available or being studied.

  • CA 125 blood tests – CA 125 is a protein in the blood that goes up when a woman has ovarian cancer. The trouble is, this protein also goes up when a woman has other health problems that do not involve cancer. The test can help find ovarian cancer, but it is not very accurate.
  • Pelvic ultrasound – During a pelvic ultrasound, an ultrasound technician will insert a small device similar to a tampon into your vagina. The device uses sound waves to create images of the inside of your body.

    Ultrasounds can find abnormal growths on the ovaries, but they cannot tell whether the growths are caused by cancer. Sometimes less serious health problems, or even normal changes that happen during a woman’s menstrual cycle, can cause these “growths”.
  • Screening is NOT appropriate for women at low risk. This includes women who do not have a family history of ovarian cancer or a cancer gene (described below).
  • Screening is sometimes appropriate for women who still have their ovaries and who are at high risk. This includes women who have a family history of ovarian cancer or a gene that increases their risk of ovarian cancer. Women at highest risk include those who have had genetic tests showing that they:
  • Carry genes known as the “BRCA” genes
  • Have a genetic condition called Lynch syndrome (also called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer or “HNPCC”)

If you have a family history of ovarian cancer or have genes that put you at risk, discuss the pros and cons of screening with your doctor. Decide, with input from your doctor, if screening is right for you.

The benefits of being screening for ovarian cancer — The main benefit of screening is that it might help doctors find cancer early, when it should be easier to treat. This might lower the chances of dying of ovarian cancer.

The drawbacks of screening for ovarian cancer — The main drawback of being screened is that it can lead to “false positives,” meaning that screening indicates that a woman might have cancer when she does not. This can lead to unneeded worry and to more tests. Sometimes, a false positive test could lead to unneeded surgery.

Screening test is abnormal— If your test is abnormal, don't panic. Many women who have abnormal results turn out NOT to have ovarian cancer. You will need more tests to find out whether or not you actually have cancer.

Most women with abnormal results find out them do not have cancer after further testing. But some women with abnormal results (in one study, about 1 in 3 women) need surgery to know for sure if they have cancer. This surgery is usually done through small incisions, using a tool called a “laparoscope.”

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